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Photos and video from Workers' Day


Updated: May 22, 2023

On May 1st we had a great day celebrating International Workers' Day. We kicked off together with new and old day laborers from both Latin America and Africa, learning about the historical significance of this Day. After watching a video about the struggles and achievements of workers, we were chatting and reflecting on the values ​​that the worker and immigrant community brings to the communities where they arrive, in this case Washington, DC. An important point to continue empowering ourselves was to talk about the right to vote in DC and how to continue protecting ourselves in the workplace. During lunch there was a women's talk where we shared our migrant stories and how we can help each other to overcome the difficulties that we as women face. At the end of the day we ate Venezuelan arepas for dinner, and we listened to and enjoyed some monologues about day laborer stories and the fight for TPS.

We also made a video of highlights of the day:


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